Has your friend moved on?

You have been seeing your friend in the hallway, when you say hi, she ignores you, or is rude. Has your friendship come to an end? take this quiz to find out!

Not all friendships last forever! Take this quiz to find out the truth about your friendship. Here is the total truth and only the truth. Good luck and Enjoy!

Created by: Skylar Braun
  1. You pass by her in the hallway. when you say hi, she...
  2. You sit down at the lunch table with her at the lunch table. She...
  3. When your friend is a team captin for dodgball, she...
  4. does your friend have a boy friend? Do you?
  5. After school your friend...
  6. You just broke up with your boyfriend, when you talk to your friend, she..
  7. when is the last time your friend came over
  8. how do you feel about this test?
  9. how long have you been friends?
  10. are you sad?

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Quiz topic: Has my friend moved on?