Harry Potter Adventure-pt 2

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ughhh fine. about 4 people have a crush on you and you like dragons you end up with (someone) someone. and you get 4 children...(Tourmaline{Girl}, Carnelian{Girl}, Jasper[Boy], Garnet[Boy].)

Created by: WOFloverSMS
  1. so! where were we... Ah, Yes! of to diagon alley we go!
  2. Poof! We landed in diagon alley. You looked down at the list. Crystal tosssed the sack to Harry, and one to you. You said, "C'mon! Let's go to Gringotts first." After you went to gringotts with your sacks full of money, you three headed to flourish and blotts. You three seperated to find the books when you bumped into someone. You look up and see...
  3. ....... it was a tall boy with brown hair.
  4. you said "I'm so sorry!" Then you looked up. You gasped. "Cedric! OMG, I've never seen you, like, for a whole year!" (PS. Your uncle and Amos Diggory are friends, so you two are friends.) Cedric smiled. "Yes,Frost. So, do you need help with the books?" You smiled back. "Yeah, we've been looking over the whole place and we can't seem to find them." Cedric raised an eyebrow. "We?" You turned around, "Yes-" to see Crystal. "Crystal! Did you find the books? Wait, where's Harry?" Crystal said, "No, I couldn't find the books. But I think Harry's over there." She turned to Cedric. "Hi, Cedric." Cedric smiled back. You rushed off to find Harry, and Cedric followed, asking about who "Harry" was. When you finally turned, you sas Harry flipping through a book. "Harry, where have you been? What's that? 'Frog-turning curse'... Harry, you do know magic isn't allowed outside school until your 17 years old, right?" Harry jumped sligtly and looked up. "Oh, hey Frost. Um..." He quickly put the book back onto the shelf. He turned to face Cedric. Cedric flinched as he saw the scar. "Wow. You're THE Harry Potter?" After you all found the books, and everything else, excpet a wand. We go to....
  5. You, Harry, and Crystal entered Ollivander's.(Me:Like, WHO gets THIS wrONG?!) "Ahhh, my last visiters of the day." You three all turned around to see Mr.Ollivander. You and Crystal nodded. Ollivander reached towards 3 boxes. He handed one to Harry, one to you, and one to Crystal. "well, give i a flick." You three tried, Harry leaving a mess of papers, Crystal making the wind blow hard, and you making some of the wand boxes flying and drop to the ground. Some wands laid on the floor, and as you helped Mr Ollivander pick them up, you came across a exotic looking wand.(Go and search "Dragon Wand" and pick anything you like. I recommand the one with "Petty. Rebellious Gloomy" on it.)You picked it up, and just as you did, the wand lit up, and sudden warmth flowed through. They all looked at you, and Ollivander said, "well, looks like YOU found your wand." and turned to Harry and Crystal. Soon enough, they both found their wands, Crystal's being oakwood, with unicorn core, 13 inches. (For Harry's, look in the book, I'm to lazy to type.)
  6. Few weeks later, you and Harry and Crystal meet Hermione. The meeting went well, but Harry didn't really like her though. Then before you all left, Hermione said, "Frost, I don't know if I should tell you this, but you know the Seabeach sisters? It seems like their parents died and nobody's willing to take them. Are you going to talk to them?" you nodded. "Where are they?" Hermione pointed in one direction. You rushed off, followed by Crystal.
  7. Crystal grinned. "You're gonna adopt them, aren't you?" You nodded. "I knew it! So, since I have to get along with them, so I decided to tag along." Soon you found the three sisters, all crying and sobbing. You walked up to the youngerst one, and Crystal walked up to another. You remembered seeing them a few monthes ago, while Cedric was at Hogwarts. The oldest one was Tsunami, but was originally Orca, who died during the war. The second oldest was Anemone, who had the strongest magic power of them all, and the youngest being Auklet, optimistic, full of energy, and adorable.(Guys, does anyone read Wings of Fire? Remember the three Seawing sisters? Tsunami, Anemone, and Auklet?) As you walked up to Auklet, she looked up. "Frost...." You stood there, and asked if they would like to live with you. Auklet nodded eagerly, and Crystal walked up. "Frost, they say they would love to, too. So, let's go." You all walked to your house, to be greeted by you aunt Bella.
  8. Your aunt smiled. "Well, that's no surprise. I was thinking about going over to get them. Very well, Frost. You know we can never have so many people to care for. Come in, come in," she said, gesturing towards the door. "You're Tsunami, and you're Anemone, and you must be Auklet! Am i right?" They all nodded, their faces lighting up a little. Crystal said, "Can we show them to their rooms?" Aunt Bella nodded. Crystal smiled. "This way."
  9. *Time Skip* It's almost time to go to Hogwarts! Your aunt and uncle, Anemone, and Auklet(Not old enough) waved as you, Crystal, Harry, and Tsunami left on the train.
  10. So! How was it? My next one will be about what happened in the Hogwarts Express. k?

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