hard quiz (maybe) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz hard quiz (maybe).

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  • you are 62% smart i think

    average: that is the headline so about F-D solid id say but you got at least half right that is good

    I got the trick questions right, but the others wrong.

    I understand the ones I got right (that includes the dog one you guys).

  • ugh. THis was a horrible quiz. Now I know why those dogs jumped off a cliff! I would too if you were MY master! Ugh. Seriously. Never EVER do a quiz aggain... unless you pass the first grade this time!

  • This quiz was bad beyond bad. Some of the questions had no right answers!!!!!!!!!!

  • this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, poor grammar, several questions (most notably 1, 2, and that one with the dogs) have all wrong answers. absolutely juvenile, a failure of a quiz.

    E Lunatic
  • i did not really like that quiz, it kind of confused me.


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