Halo: Reach Rankings Quiz

There are many people who know and/or think they know a lot about the Halo: Reach ranking system. They want to see how much they know. But now you can take this quiz to find out how much you know!

How much do you know about the Halo: Reach ranking system? Well, we'll see won't we? Go on, get started! Remember: DO NOT CHEAT, THIS IS USED TO TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE!

Created by: Dark Zeta

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the highest rank in Halo: Reach?
  2. How many credits does it take to get to the highest rank in Halo: Reach?
  3. What is the daily online credit limit?
  4. What WAS the highest rank when Halo: Reach was first released?
  5. How many ranks are there in Halo: Reach?
  6. Which Halo: Reach Rank is the last rank based on the U.S. Military?
  7. Which range of ranks are MOST of Noble Team?
  8. Which two ranks' insignia have the same design (shape-wise)?
  9. Which of these Halo: Reach ranks does NOT exist?
  10. Which rank's insignia could be considered MOST plain?
  11. Which of these is in order from least to greatest?
  12. BONUS: What is Bungie's favorite number?

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