Haiti's Independence Day !

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This quiz is about The independence of Haiti(January 1st 1804). You will be questioned about the people,the battles that led us to victory. Are you ready?? then "EN AVANT ,EN AVANT"

Are you knowledgeable about Haiti? There are so many smart people in this world but only few decides to know what some may think does not matter. yet you have chosen to prove that you are ..so Good luck Genius !!!

Created by: Moutrem Peche of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What was the Haitian Revolution?
  2. In What year did the Revolution take place?
  3. What war ended the revolution?
  4. What was the purpose of Battailes vertieres? To gain (......) From France
  5. Who spoke these words? "In overthrowing me, you have done no more than cut down the trunk of the tree of black liberty in St .Domingue. It will spring back from the roots, for they are numerous and deep."
  6. Who fired the first shot of Battailes de vertieres?
  7. Who was made General after Independence?
  8. Translate this ! "En avant , En avant."Francois Capois
  9. Translate This ! "Pour le Pays, pour les Ancíªtres Marchons unis, marchons unis"
  10. Did You Know that "Soup Joumou" is also known as
  11. What was This Quiz About?

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