Guys,I need some advice!

Hi,I'm new here.but don't really mind,cause I'm quite familier with this site.All thanks to Hell and her nonstop babling about this site. Well I can't complain about that.

so,I'm not giving my name but you can call me umn...Storm would be good.Don't you think:D well nevermind this quiz about my friend.I'm her advicer sort of,but I can't help her in this situation.that's why I'm asking your help.

Created by: _HellLover_

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  1. Hey,guys.Actually I'm stuck in a situation,uh...a bad one I must of my friend,her name is Ross(who is pratically a emotional wreckage but tries hard to pull herself together)had to face the biggest shock in her life,so she said.And asked me for some advice,but I didn't know what to do.A few days ago Hellprincess told me about this site.She said you guys are really friendly and helpful;so I thought maybe you guys can help.Please,it's a tough situation.
  2. First let me introduce some people. Sandy-Ross's best friend;Sarah-another friend;Spark-ugh..her friend.she has a little..crush on him.She says,"I know he won't like me back I try really hard to control this feeling, but my heart won't listen."Really,it's that hard,it may sound rude but I can't possibly understand 'cause I never felt like this.Anyways,there's another one,she don't really like him.He's a total jerk.he always makes fun of her,and everyone.How would anyone even talk to him?Nevertheless,his name is Blade.
  3. So the scene is this........ Ross was talking to Sandy and Sarah(unfortunatelly Sarah sits next to Blade,poor girl.)Sarah was telling them how bad was her day 'cause of him,as usual.then Sandy said,"you both should not talk or even pay attention to him.and especially you Ross."Ross was confused and worried,she asked why? And she had a bad feeling about this she didn't want to hear it but anyways she knew she had to.Sandy told her 'cause....Blade likes her.this was the last thing she would ever want, and it has to be this..Life sucks for her.she stood there processing the words she just heard not able to say anything.she just couldn't believe it...!
  4. Then she said who told her.Sandy said that Spark told her.Now this was it.she just wanted to cry,but she couldn't and she knew it.Sarah asked her that is it really true?Sandy told her that whtaever Spark says it's mostly true,duh.We don't have lunch together so, she couldn't tell me that time.She waited for me at the gate.When I was leaving for my home she pulled my sleeve and asked if she could walk with me today,there was a worried expression on her face.I didn't mind 'cause our houses are in same direction.As we were walking she was still worried so I asked what was the matter.She explained to me the whole situation.And asked for my advice,on what she should do.Sandy had already told her to ignore him but she said she wanted my advice.I didn't wanted to sound rude so I said that I don't know. but I'll think about it,and we went to our houses.
  5. Oh man,why she has to be stuck in complicated situations,geez.I can't possibly give advice in this topic so I thought you guys can give me some advice for her.Her life is a total mess NOW.
  6. And now what Hellprincess asked me. She is writing the story 'Love story or Not?'.which most of people don't know but still there are some people who read them right.she was thinking of re-writing the story with a different name.'cause she is not satisfied with the work.So,what do you guys think?tell me in comments I'll tell to Hell.
  7. And one more thing,Hell has got punishment for not doing so good in maths altough she ranked first in her class.So,she can't visit here for a week or so.that's why she asked me to ask you guys this.please comment!
  8. You know maybe she'll just start a new series,and this one with a good starting.and if she got a new starting for 'love story...'she would maybe continue that.I don't know,guys.Her mind never works same ever,and know one knows what she's thinking so it's a little difficult fot all of her friends and families.But not for me she doesn't give me that much problem,as the others say.I can pretty much understand what she's going thruogh.So,it's not hard for me.
  9. Yeah,and one boys also come to this site?I don't wanna be the only one, you know....just kidding.
  10. Comment is highly suggested in this quiz,so don't you forget.Until next tome we meet,ladies;)

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