Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • I got 15%

    My oc is Abbie. She is basically a clumsy, shy, naive, and optimistic kid. The only thing tragic about her is that her dad is basically a manic and that she has lung disease-

    She has blue eyes and platinum blonde hair, as well as peach skin. She only has one dude who has a crush on her and she is practically oblivious about it rip

    For the most part, she's basically a happy little ray of sunshine who has many flaws to work on. Her life is pretty plain and she's okay with that.

    All talk aside, she is mah bby ;w;

  • Right. So, my character is a petty sadsack that compensates for a childhood of isolation by being so overly dramatic and attention seeking it causes humongous inconveniences for everyone else; amongst her hobbies includes swindling money, hoarding data and emotionally manipulating others.

    She's also a humongous coward with a cruel streak a mile wide, and revels in the idea of shoving the blame onto someone else. She's quick witted, outwardly charming, but lacks any meaningful connections because of an inability to realistically sympathize with others.

    16%. Not bad.

    Anyways. This test is more about whether the character is overbloated with information and less about whether they are a Mary Sue. None of these aspects, individually, are actively terrible - the problem only comes when an author tries to shove so many of them into a single vessel that the reader becomes disorientated with what themes the character is supposed to represent.

    And some of the questions are just petty. "Is your character overweight?" "Do they have a disability?" "Does your character have purple eyes?"

    Really. Treating these things are inherently good / bad in terms of character design is ridiculous, since they are all physical features that have nothing to do with the character's personality. If Harry Potter was an overweight, schizophrenic dweeb with purple eyes he'd still be the same mean spirited b------, but he wouldn't be a Mary Sue. Inversely, if you put the qualities on, say, anyone from Twilight, yes! They would be Mary Sues, because Twilight is written with the English capabilities of a bobcat s---ting on a discarded typewriter.

    So in short, this quiz isn't an accurate representation of what a Mary Sue is - some questions have their merit - but the things the quizmaker labels as "Good" or "Bad" don't actually have any impactual weight on a character as a whole.

    Tl;DR: This is not a Mary Sue Quiz. It is a "Is your character overbloated with conflicting themes + Ideas, Quiz.

  • I got a 17 (I can't find the percent button HELP.)

    I mean my OC's life is pretty boring (She likes eating worms though) nothing happens until she's like older than 18, her sister dies one day but ok, I guess?. Then she gets manipulated by some person she met in the woods cause you know, she is r e a l ly sma r t, and she ends up getting killed. Take Moon's story as warning children, don't trust demons in the middle of the woods.

    She's also stupid. Just throw her in the t r a s h .

    She's also a furr-

  • So what 17%, I get it my characters a demon.. the thing is hes poor and uhh is an oc based from Hasbin Hotel. It makes sense Id get these results. His name is Victor Von Blue and his nicknames are mostly from his boss and my friends hasbin ocs, his nicknames from his boss is gay water, red eyed blue hound and small gay horns. From his friend Mickey, wannabe, blue macaroni, and heart tailed lump. Tricky, no nicknames from tricky currently. Nikkie, nicknames from nikkie are Vicky, drunk blue slime, and pal. Nicknames from himself are, dapper demon [his stage name for singing at the pub,] failing chum, and starry fright. Hes a tax collector and likes to communicate with his friend from earth, faith who claims to be related to him As he just flicks her nose. Hes blue as his horns are connected to his head, he has no hair and has a heart shaped tail with a black dot at the end of it. I can understand why this quiz thinks hes a bit Mary Sue due to him being an oc from hasbin hotel.

    Vicky the demon
  • I got a 19% score. My characters name is Katherine and she grew up in the year 1945-1964 (she's 19) she's a complete greaser. She has black hair and brown eyes. Usually has her hair in a ponytail. Her parents died in a plane crash so she's terrified of planes, but she still has her seven brothers (chill bro, my grandma's got 11 siblings, it ain't that many) she was raped when she was 14 so I guess that adds to the sorta tragicness. She got into track sorta stuff cause of that and fighting. Her brothers have a book full of questions like an interview if she gets a boyfriend so that makes funny scenarios. She just kinda doesn't really care bout much. Guys usually try to get with her but because of her past shes like "Aw, heaccc naw!" She's pretty crazy. Pulls stupid pranks on her friends. Actually knows how to play sports cause of her brothers. (that was a big thing for girls to be able to do in the 60's) she'll only say things that she'd say to your face. If you ask her what she said under her breath she'll say it so the whole world can here. She only has one cat.

    Soup brodda
    • Oops, her name's Kateline, not Katherine.

      Soup brodda
  • Is 33% percent bad, my character was made for a role play as kinda a persona for a rp group, but now since that group is long gone and I'm trying to fix her, and I was doing with her earlier and the other rper OC said I was such a Mary sue, ik this was the oc talking but gotta wonder.

  • 33%. Could be worse, for a fan character. Her past Kabul super weird, she was injected with a drug at a young age that was designed to give superpowers, but the whole thing backfired and the world ended. She did end up weird superpowers, but she had no idea how to use them, since she was 8. She ends up with a disease that I made up, which basically causes her to not grow (shes 45), not sleeping, see into her worst memories from the third person, and be able to burn people unintentionally. Though most of the characters would see it as a blessing, she sees it as a curse, because she has to relive the worst moments of her life in the few times she DOES sleep and even while shes awake sometimes. Shes selfish, scary, a bit cruel, and fails to recognize when its okay to be scared or concerned. Shes not great at reading situations, and also lacks empathy and is claustrophobic... So yeah, AOT fanfics be like-

    • 4 foot 5, not 45!! Shes actually 868 years old... but shes also technically 16. Its weird, but yeah...

  • 9%

    I thought it would be higher since I answered yes for the singing and prophecy questions, but I'm not complaining .

    My OC is miss Roxanne DeLuise, a witty southern belle with dreams of being a rockstar.

    Her destiny is to destroy a contract between a demon and a psychotic woman, with the help of her band and an old flame, in order to save rock and roll.

  • I put in answers for my current main man Chrys. He ended up getting a lot lower than I thought. Though I guess this quiz doesn't account for mad scientist type characters. That and humans in the world he's from tend to be the blandest of the bunch. Only reason Chrys is as important as he is to the story is because of a prophecy he thinks is made up so his boss has a reason to hate him. He doesn't even want to fulfill it. He just wants to get paid, go home, and spend time with his husband and sons.

  • My character is quite old,(200) ,a cosmic deity (whatever that is!) and is in love with a human ,very powerful but not pretty , somehow only got 13% on the quiz (what do you think of that!)(:

    • Also, she has borderline personality disorder.

  • Got 6%

    He's a super powerful physic almost like Paranoman but has extreme social anxiety and has to deal with having trouble talking to ghosts and the living while trying to run the family business as a ghost hunter

  • i got a 31% for my oc, weirdcore

    its a wings of fire oc a corewing/nightwing hybrid, who is the last corewing (corewings are based off diffrent core, ie: dreamcore, cottagecore etc) and is the last corewing

    she has clock pupils and they tick faster when a vison gonna come true soon

    she ran away from her family. she can only see in weridcore ish stuff, she sees things that arnt there. mainly eyes, fog, clocks and ticking or laughing noises

    she can enter others dreams, her persence making them nightmares. she forarms arnt there, she walks normally

    my fav ocs are in a prophecy to take down pine (an evil mudwing who wants to take over the world)

    she is remembered through fragments in dreams

    if she is in a dream, you would see lots of clocks, ticking noises and eyes

    • the stars on her wings are eyes, she has eyes on her neck and tail, her horns fade away at the tip

      her voice seems like word had been taken from other conversations, the tone and pitch of her voice changes and letters at the end of words are often cut off

  • I got 15%

    So Juna is a 14 years old singer and child actress from South Korea. She started her acting career since she was 6 and also composed most of her songs. She also pretty skilled at playing guitar but of course all this skills needs years to develop. She started both singing and dancing lessons shortly after she started her acting lesson and she was very tired at first. Her popularity started to risen at age 10 and this is also the same year she started learning guitar mainly because she grew interest with the sound

    She is well-mannered, calm, collected, and intelligent but blunt and sarcastic especially if she's around her close friends or family but her bluntness can be a problem as she was pushed by some or few of her peers because of this trait. She's also distant as she was almost always alone during her days in elementary and quite skeptical the people around her after experiencing being used for her talents mainly by adults

    As for her appearance she has a wavy black hair that reached her waist and gentle pale purple eyes. She usually wears streetwear or casual clothes and not really like feminime clothing

  • I got 21%

    The oc i used in this quiz is Daisy Kitty.Daisy is a human but she was born with cat ears and a cat tail.She's basically a Catgirl.I actually created Daisy based off my Roblox avatar.She has long blonde hair and sky blue eyes.She's 19 but looks 16-17.She likes:Anime,pastel colors, drawing and fried chicken.She dislikes:School (even after she graduated), Yandere fangirls of popular videogame character (like Sans,Foxy etc.) and spiders because she has a phobia of them.

    Daisy also has a sister named Katie.They also have other friends named Kia,Lisa,Lily,Layla and Elyssa.They're basically a large friend group.Their adventures are a mix of Action and Comedy.They always stick together despite their differences

    Daisy The Kitty
  • Twenty seven percent,not bad! I have a few warrior cats ocs I'm working on and they all sadly got abused by two legs but try to overcome there abusive past by fleeing and becoming rogues/loners.

  • ok NGL, as much as a lot of these questions make sense, some of these should not and realistically do not count as valid. In any other genre besides plain old Mayo fiction you're gonna have some of these elements included naturally. Like off of this, to assume an orc is a Mary Sue cuz of their eyes being orange or something? Just a note to anybody new to writing, don't feel insecure or think ur character is a mary sue for obvious fantasy elements in a fantasy setting. Your elf or kobold can have glowing pink eyes and lose their family without being a Mary Sue. Just make sure what you give your character makes sense in such a setting. And to de-mary-sue a character by being fat or retarded is kind of depressing.

    that being said, the actual plot elements still apply across genres, dont be afraid of character flaws.

  • Woah, 12%. Its alright though, being a downright terrible person is his whole shtick.

    Honestly didnt know what to put for whether I described my character poetically. Ive called him quite a few things the only one I can find at the moment is our beloved fruity little dirty sack of burning maggots. Not sure if thats poetic enough for you, but Ive never written anything more touching.

    Loved the quiz btw! This was surprisingly well made, thank you :))

    • While I agree that this is a good quiz, what the frick is your name lol?! (not trying to be rude)

  • 24% I used my self comfort character, Aurora. I daydream a lot so in my daydreams I just am her. Shes 11 years old and has dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, shes pretty scrawny. Shes DIO's kid ( I make my characters overpowered, due to long lasting effects of my brother convincing me any character I think of will become real, or I can become them when I was 4-10. ) She lives in a edited-for-convivence jojo timeline where for some reason part 5 happened in 2020? so that it takes place in present time. basically after part 5 DIO decided " ew giorno became joestar friend " and decided to take in Aurora to raise her to not be a joestar friend or something. I KNOW SHES A MARY SUE, BUT SHES MY COMFORT CHARACTER

  • My OC is 10% mary sue according to this test but can you make any for object heads or humanoids and the game they are supposed to be in is cuphead and his 4 abilities are portals he can only fit his arms in that can be anywhere they want them to be, time reverse only for 10 seconds (max strength and energy use which is very rare is 1 min) making objects out of static which fades in 1 hour unless it is food because they eat it and it stays until it the nature digestion has finished, freezing people with static for 10 seconds, is that OP? they just average body and not that fit, their story is a bit tragic but are they a mary sue? do I need to weaken their abilities? in the casino their one of dice's lackeys so I tried to make them the same amount and as powerful as the rest of them. They only have 3 friends and aren't that misunderstood and people do dislike them and they dislike people, they take insults and stuff well and the universe doesn't bend to their will, Is my OC a mary sue?

  • I got 30%, I was somehow expecting more than that. My character is named Arisu Lee, in her world people can turn into mythical and non-mythical creatures, and she can turn herself into a Japanese Dragon.(People haven't able to turn into one for centuries or so) So Arisu is the only dragon around. Arisu is quiet, mature serious and doesn't like making friends much because it distracts her from studying. But, she eventually breaks off of that belief and does make friends and as the story progresses she becomes a softer person but still has her edges. She doesn't get bullied because she isn't bad looking and her family is a bit wealthy but they think she is weird and they sometimes tease, which; results in her ignoring them or simply responding back with a smartass response. She is pale with short, dark blue hair and hazel-yellow eyes(But most people in the story have eyes and hair like that). I can kinda see why I got 30% but it was a good quiz!

    • Another thing is she has your typical dragon powers. Everyone in her world that can turn into mythical creatures; can use their powers when they are human but just portion of the power that they can get as their creature form. But, that was my terrible character that I put to the test on this quiz.

  • For the question about villans switching sides does that apply if your oc is an anti hero (atempting to take over the world using mind controll devices)she convinces hero's to change sides and become villans and downright calls herselfor a villan I ticked no should I have ticked yes.24% Mary Sue

  • I got a 12% with my boy Harpsichord, and I would say that thats pretty good, but I think I just got such a low result because hes a new OC of mine, and he doesnt have much character development yet. Im working on it, though, and I think I should have a more developed backstory and plot for him soon.

    groovy violet
  • I got 31 percent and I agree somewhat, my character is a goddess who is very powerful but is rarely seen and when she does appear she is a force to be taken seriously. But she also has flaws mainly to do with outliving all the people she met and made memories with. Im really having trouble with her due to the fact that I want her to seem like a force that is not to our understanding but still appealing to the audience.

  • My character got 25%, her name is Victoria L. (Im still working on her full last name), shes 11-12 years old, and is from a high class family. She is sometime known as Tsarenity or Victoria III because she took after the first two (and one partially related) Victorias of her family. She is genuinely seen as cute and innocent and acts like that, but not many are aware of her twisted side; shes a bit emotionless, cold, verbally offensive, murderous (to the antagonists), and doesnt forgive her enemies easily. Victoria is very mature, she seen and knows more than most people around her. She sees the world as a death or life game after knowing the truth about life, thus she (secretly) lack trust in even her love ones.Shes athletic, caring, kind, have As in school (shes not the smartest character, there are +10 smarter ones), and is determine to keep her family together. Sometimes she feels as if shes not good/perfect enough compared to that of her family. She have long black hair in a ponytail, pale skin blushed with pink, and brown eyes with a prismatic glint (her family have genetic mutation), and is an average height (55-56). Im still working on her past, but overall, her past isnt the the darkest and/or the most tragic, but it involves emotional damages, some violence, a bit of death ( not all will be brutal), and (possibly) reincarnation. By the way her rich family isnt perfect, all members are diverse, there is fighting and bickering (imagine the Olympian god and goddesses but less dramatic), plus long history that involves conflicts and splitting up so many times that they may as well receive a world record (its vital and necessary). My character is also impatient and doesnt want to fall in love for personal reasons. Trivially butterflies are her main motif and shes once a loner and have a scar. So, is she a Mary Sue? I dont mind her being hated though.

  • 31% Studying film through experience and many YouTube video essays, I knew my character was a Mary Sue but has since been improved and I wanted to see how much he's changed since I wrote him in 2014. I actually want to take it again as him from when I started but as today's Uclain, it was hard to answer quite a few of the questions because of the context of the story. For instance, Yami can't reconcile with his past because he (purposefully) destroyed the town he came from. Or the question about him dying for others and then coming back to life. I wasn't sure if reincarnating into a completely different generation or dimension counted considering that the different lives he lives is what the series is about. Another weird one was the age because when I made him he was older than me but I'm currently the age I wrote him to be. Speaking of age, they wanted to know if he looked his age if he was 40+ but he's 21 and there was no "is younger" option. So it was like saying he's 40 but looks in his early 20s lol

    • So amazingly, past Yami has a lower score by 10% and I don't know how lol. Past Yami has more friends, more powers and never struggles. His flaws are even "just made up" to hide his true lovely, beautiful and perfect self as opposed to now where he has to grow from being cold and bitter into the loving hero his allies and even his enemies respects. Oh well. Still a fun quiz to take. Gonna try my self insert character, Amioki Shinizou. Probably going to see a bigger score this time.

    • Only a little bit higher than Yami, the character who is literally me as a god. Maybe it's because me as a god is actually mean and known as a god of chaos. So lastly, I'm trying a Soul Eater fan character from long ago named Megan, Death the Kid's girlfriend. If you couldn't tell, I'm basically searching for a high school non ironically. Wish me luck!

    • So I remembered so little of her, I decided to switch characters. Valenstein it is.

    • She got a 26. I guess she was sort of the villain of the story. Maybe I just never wrote a Mary Sue


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