Horse Quiz (Hard) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Horse Quiz (Hard).

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  • Hey, so it is unfair to just assume that just because some people don't spend day and night studying horses that they know nothing about them. Because, guess what, I DO ride horses and I outgrew "books about flying ponies" when I was FIVE! So saying that "Eh, you failed. But this was a hard quiz. Nice meeting ya, now go take a nap and dream about riding a real horse rather then those coin-operated ones at the grocery store entrences that you sit on and pretend to be a jockey." is totally unfair, rude, and disrespectful! I can't belive you! I have been riding regurly since I was ten, so take that you jerk!

  • Okay, number 1, chill out. Don't belittle people by assuming we're not knowledgeable about horses, especially using such s---ty spelling. If you're going to tell me to do some research on horses before taking your quiz, I'll tell you to go back to elementary school to learn some basic spelling. Next, at the end of the quiz, I was told to do some more horse research before my biannual trail ride --- I've been riding regularly since I was seven years old, and am now earning a degree in Equine Studies. Your quiz just happened to be on things I haven't yet learned about. Ask me about arteries, veins, capillaries, blood/electrical flow through the heart, causes of colic, laminitis, directional terms, normal HR/RR rates, temp, and gut sounds in the horse, where and how to give an I.M. or I.V. injection, how to tell if a horse is squinting or in pain, natural behavior and instincts, correct saddle- and bridle-fitting, and so much more and I could give you accurate, detailed answers. Don't assume that just because I can't correctly answer a couple of hard questions means that I know nothing about horses, you ignorant jerk.

  • ANOTHER THING: Your spelling is awful! It's ENTRANCES, not ENTRENCES! You can't even spell things correctly when your INSULTING me! Shame on you!

  • there are d-rings on a western saddle they are what you attach a breast collar to.


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