If you like two guys, which one should you choose? | Comments

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  • Okay person 1 is a guy who is super cute, super sexy, kinda shy yet flexing, talented and kinda mysterious. Person 2 is idk more approachable and sweet and funny and cute and really passionately talented.. kinda shorter than Person 1 but idk he's kinda funnier and goofier.

  • This kid we met in 6th grade so I didnt really think of him that much we had almost all our classes together, there was this one class I hated it was hard for me. So him and I sat next to each other he helps whenever I ask and he always knows a way to make me laugh like when Im mad and wouldnt smile somehow he knows how to make me smile again. His really funny,kind,and Cute. One of his friends told me that he made fun of my last name I asked him in class if he did he was like Noo I would never do that and he stands up and talks to the guy that told me . We always tease each other and smile a lot whenever we are together There was times we cant stand each other it was like love and hate kinda thing but he would never say anything that would hurt me. I tell my best friend about him and she tells him and he smiles and talks to me everytime there was a time he left for a vacation to another countrys and he told me before he told anyone Elsa and he said he would be back in 3 weeks but it seemed longer than that I started missing him and stuff I ask his friend and his friend tells him that I was looking for him. He knows I like him and I know he likes me but we cant tell each other I still have feelings for him. This other guy we go way back I have known him since elementary and we hated each other in elementary school we always get each other in trouble we fought the most said the most hurtful stuff to one another so after a year it was time to go back to school we had all the classes together he would look at me and roll his eyes, after a week He comes up to me and asked me if we could be friends I said no he was like I wont take no for a answer so he goes back and gets his books from his table and comes and sits in my table Im like no a girl sits here his like I dont care. He was like I know we couldnt stand each other but I hope we could be friends now Im like no I dont want to be your friend than his like go out with me and I say no He kept talking and the teacher co

  • Your Result: Person 2 58%

    You DEFINITELY need to choose person 2. I think you would have a MUCH more successful relationship with him/her than with that other weirdo. Lol! You seem to be more attracted to this person, and you have deeper feelings for them.

    Me: Ahem! Weirdo? That's What I Like About Person 1! And Person 2 Is Just From A Fandom. Great Quiz I Guess Though.

    Horror Lives 2
  • should you choose?
    Your Result: Person 2

    You DEFINITELY need to choose person 2. I think you would have a MUCH more successful relationship with him/her than with that other weirdo. Lol! You seem to be more attracted to this person, and you have deeper feelings for them.

    Aww:(: "person 2" is just a crush (i think) but "person 1" is my true luv. I can't survive without him, but nice quiz :)

  • 58% Person 1
    42% Person 2

    Ok so I met Person 1 in First Grade and Person 2 in Second Grade. And I guess Person 1 is right for me since not only we met before Person 2 but he was always there for me until this stupid pandemic came in. Anyway Person 2 is not a weirdo. He is funny and kind so please don't call him a weirdo. Anyway good quiz.

  • I like 1! Person 2 basically broke ma heart! Person 2 said he liked me back one day. I said me too! Then he never even TALKED to me! So 💔!😭 But it's cool now cuz I fell hard for a guy in ma school who's name is Carlos. But he only talks to this girl named Lindsay.😰 But ma BFF here says Carlos likes me and I asked how? She said she just knows. She's never wrong. Which is true. She said in the past Person 2 likes ma! AND SHE WAS RIGHT!:0

    Witchcraft ghoul
  • So... Person 1 called George gas been my crush for 5-6 years! He knew this but we just stuck to being friends. He has a girlfriend though. Then for a few months i have had a second crush on person 2.. Matthew. The funny thing is they are best friends! Now me and matthew were together for only 24 hours!! He said it was too awkward and we should be friends... he knows i like him still but has made it clear he isn’t interested.. the test said Matthew.. i will try!!

  • I knew I liked person 1 before but I thought I moved on to 2... Once person 2 found out I liked him it kinda got weird and my feelings are going away. I honestly think I love person 1... I don't know what to do... Person 2 likes me. Person 1 doesn't only as really good friends. But I really do like person 1. I don't even know

  • Though the second guy also is funny but we mostly talk when we meet only,but I sometimes have this kind of rejected feeling if the first guy told me he want to come sometimes and sometimes I will be happy

  • I have liked person 1 for about a year now but recently have started liking person 2. I know that person 2 likes me back and i dated her for a week but then realized i still like person 2. Person 1 is the sort of person everyone has a crush on. 5 ppl have a crush on her. Person 2 on the other hand is the cute, crazy girl in the friendship group. I get along with both of them. Who do you think i should choose and how can i get over the other person?

    • I know person 1 has a crush on someone but i dont know who - she lied about who it was and now I can't trust her anymore - but i still can't stop liking her for some reason even though I know it would be better not liking her. She is a really good friend - apart from the lying - but I never know what goes on in her mind. She's super pretty aswell and has an awesome personality and isn't afraid to be herself. (She's also quite tall)

      person 2 has a crush on me but as I can't get over person 1 I can't date her bc i would just feel trapped like I did before. She's really cute and isn't afraid to be herself either. (She's smaller than me)

      On the test, it said i would be better off with person 2.

  • My results were just 58% in favor of person 1, but I was sure by the end of the quiz that person 2 was the one. I'm much more passionate, I guess, with person 1, and he's hotter, but we have nothing in common and he is going nowhere in life. He doesn't listen when I talk...Person 2 listens, I mean, really LISTENS to me, but he is a pilot and brilliant and he is always gone...person 1 is always around, mainly because he doesn't have a real job...plays poker for a living, talks about sports nonstop (I HATE sports!) but he is smart and sweet...

  • arrrg help needed!!!!!!!!So I LOVE 2 boys and der both great they make me laugh and whenever im with them i feel so happy. the thing is ive loved person for years, hes 1 year older and i thought i got over him because i started having feelings for person 2 who is the same age as me but then all of sudden my feelings for person 1 has come back and my feeings for person 2 has pasted the crush stage. Also their both my bestfriends i dont know how they feel about me but their both big flirts and always flirt with me and i just dont know what to do!!!!!

  • Person 1, Don, who was the hotter guy and the one I was flirting with. Person 2 was more innocent and had a kinder heart, so I kinda cared about him. But, still Person 1, so accurate

  • I love guy 1 and 2 but the first guy use to call me but the second guy didn't use to call me though I never tell nothing of them yes bcoz the second guy ask me to take my time when I told him I want to think about it and I don't know what to do

  • Person 1 told me he liked me. I like him too. We went on a date to a football game.

    Person 2 said he liked me. I LIKE HIM TOO. He makes me laugh more, but person 1 is more of a nice guy while person 1 is more of a bad boy.

    I'm so confused and I need help.

  • So Person 1 I have know them for a year now.We met at a sports thingy and we have similar interests.Sometimes we make eye contact but we never talk.When we do he is either nice.Sometimes he is a bit arrogant around other people.I already now none of his friends like me.Person 2 he is nice and always makes me laugh.He always teases me.My friends like their friend group.(I think he friends think I am alright.None of my friends know that I like either of them(not even my really close friends)I dont know what to do?

    • And I see them at school almost everyday

    • I think I have finally seen the real side of person 1 he always brags/boasts about things and is generally quite full of himself and quite frankly very rude.Even if I could I don’t think I would want to be with him.I think I will just focus on my friendship with person 2

    • Also if you have any plz give me tips I am very new to this sort of thing

  • Person 1 is the guy i've had a crush on since last year. at first i thought he liked my friend (lets call her taylor) who liked him since childhood. one day, however, she asked him who he likes and he said that he liked me since last year. even if she said that it was ok, i didn't tell her that i liked him back because i could tell she was heartbroken. a few days later, person 1 told her that he has mixed feelings for me and another girl. i ended up trying to get over him because i could tell he liked her more, even if he showed some affection towards me. for some reason, it got awkward between us. we stopped talking and i felt we were drifting a bit. taylor got more closer to him, and i felt like he liked her because he treated her so differently and cared for her so much. recently, however, i found out that the girl he liked started dating someone else. he started to act like normal again. i can tell that he sometimes tries to mess with me by taking my stuff, making weird jokes about me, and smiling every time he talks to me. he also doesn't like it when i talk to other guys.

    Person 2 is the guy who confessed to me recently. coincidentally, during the period it got awkward between me and person 1, he and i got closer into really close friends. he started texting me everyday and i've felt like i've been nicer to him because he has a low level of confidence. there were times i felt like i did like him but i quickly dismissed it, thinking that i thought of him as a brother. however, he started dropping hints that he liked me, but i thought we were really close "sibling friends". he finally confessed to me but told me that he knew i didn't like him...he asked if we could be friends. i told him to give me time, and i talked to my friends about it. i figured out that i most likely do like him, since i feel so happy when im with him. so i told him that i do like him but just isn't ready to date. he said "i understand and im not surprised. i wasn't going to ask you out

    • Hey I know sometimes it happens that you like the person but you aren't ready to date them maybe some personal issues fear and etc... But I think that u should not think about person 1 as he seems like a playboy and he is just playing with girls and the other guy loves you a lot and is ready to do things in which you are comfortable too if you want to take things slowly he is ready to wait for you if you don't wanna date him ok but talk to him , hangout etc maybe it brings something that makes things more clear for you . My was answer was totally bases on your comment and was a little help I can't judge someone but that's what I feel after reading ur comment so I hope it helps.

  • Person 1 ive knowen for months and person 2 i met 5hrs ago person 2 i know likes me and i like them we have a very close relationship and were both poly

  • I got person 2.

    Well person 1 is a player and he dosen't actually like me, I think. But I really like him. Person 2 is a friend who likes me and I like him but I dont feel so entusiastic as I feel when I see person 1 and when I hug him or kiss him..

  • I always take these quizzes for my characters! XD Poor Leo and his stupid lloovvee triangle! *goes away to write my story*

  • LOVE THIS QUIZ. Thanks for the help. So you know your quiz was fun and I really liked it. Yours was better than some of the top quizzes. I wanted to let you know.

  • I kind of agree with my result except person 2 is 4 years younger then me. When i'm gonna be a freshman in high school he'll be in 5th grade.

  • Person 1 really show that he cares about and likes me and me smile and blush everytime but he is busy this days most days because of university but it make me sad when we don't talk much and make me feel loved and so beautiful and sexy

    Person 2 he like me too but idk my feelings about him he makes smile too .make me feel beautiful and hot .idk I care about both ...

  • Person One, whose name is Oliver.

  • fell in love with person 1, a gentleman named Khoi, but person 2, a weirdo named Seth, hit on me and now I'm developing a small crush on him! but I'm in love with Khoi, and the quiz said person one. but he doesn't like me...


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