Goodbye...part 21 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Goodbye...part 21.

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  • What happened to Zach!? I hope Jev is ok :S

    I can't wait to find out I'll be looking out for it :) SOrry if I don't comment as much anymore, I am going back to school tomorrow so I won't have much time to comment but I will be reading reading them don't worry :)

  • Ohmysweetgoodness I just finished this and I was like: ohhh no. And then I was like: o.o what might had happened. And he I was like: WHAT IT DANE STEALS RAVEN's COOKIES?!!!! And finally I was like: -_- I am so totally messed up

    Please please pleaaaaaseeee do the next part as fast a you can possibly can! And please please please give me some more frozen mango;( buy more.. But my dad was like: nuh-uh girl u had too much..... And then I fell to my knees and yelled; NOOOOOOOOOO!! Ok I must stop my insanity for once

  • can someone please give me there best discption of this story so i know if its good or not. the last one i read sounded really good and started well. but then got crappy. discribe please

    music monster J
  • No... not Jev *sad violin music* He's the one I like... Jev NOOOOOOOOOOO! (wow this must be my shortest comment)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • i like raven and rosella


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