Grookey, Sobble or Scorbunny

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Every single generation, there is always a hype. Legendarys, special power ups, like mega evolution and of corse, the starters. These guys are the first poketmonster who join you.

However, them being your first monster friend on your journey, it is hard to choose. I made this quiz to help you out. It may be only based on personality, but it does help!

Created by: Kybi Komasan
  1. You are a wild POKEMON. You are doing your daily routine at...
  2. Like I mentioned, you are doing your daily routine, and that is...
  3. However, during your daily routine, you are caught by an old granny. You ...
  4. Eventually, your POKEBALL gets yeeted and you end up in a house. In one room is a teen with orange hair and a brown coat and a yamper.You...
  5. Your selected action goes on for a while, until you are transferred back into the POKEBALL. You are exhausted from whatever you were doing. So you say...
  6. Your POKEBALL is given to a man with a long, flowing cape and purple hair. Next to him is a charizard. In his hands are two other POKEBALLS. Your reaction is...
  7. The man get you out of the POKEBALL and says ¨That's three! Now, you're only lv1 babes. You need to br lv5 to be starters!¨Do you...
  8. Then he says ¨Get in a triangle. Then select who you are going to attack. Now, one the count of three, use your best move (ember, leafage or water gun) 1...2...3!¨ Do you attack...
  9. You end up hiting your target and gaining experience up to lv5 and you are taken back in the POKEBALL. A few minutes later, you are given back to the granny. Then, a boy with a blue coat (that makes him look like sans from undertale) and a boy/girl comes by. Who do they choose?
  10. bye, thank's for your support, check out my eeveelution quiz and as always, visit veiukket on furrafinty (not my account, but make good work) bye, and this question doesn't effect score

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