Greg Amy or niether

Oh thanks for taking my quiz what were you a Greg an Amy or niether? I hope you got what you want out of this and I hope you had fun, I had fun making it!!

Greg's quiz is out now and Amy's will be out soon I hope you have took one of them or if you have I hope you scored highly (if you wanted to though!!!)

Created by: Lauren Helen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What hobby do you most like the sound of?
  2. Well??
  3. Which pet?
  4. Which of theese are most exited about?
  5. What type of Birthday Party would you have
  6. What is your favourite food?
  7. When do you want your Birthday date to be?
  8. So do you like me?
  9. OH MY GOD...
  10. What pizza topping?

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