Grant's Warmup Quiz

This is a quiz. PLease take it. They insist I write something with effort here. So I hope they like it. Lots of length equals lots of stupid effort on my part.

Are you still reading this? It's kinda lengthy- I'm sick of writing it. But hooray! I'm about done. There was a hurricane in Kingston town, got a foot and a half of water. Nobody was hurt but I cried any how- it knocked my alphabet blocks out of order.

Created by: Grant
  1. What is currently Grant's favorite board game?
  2. What television character is known to use the phrase "Cheese it!"?
  3. Who does CS Lewis credit as being his literary "master"?
  4. What was the name of civil war general and US President Ulysses S. Grant's wife?
  5. Which character from Lord of the Rings does NOT appear in the films?
  6. YO
  7. Yo Yo
  8. Yo yo yo
  9. Yo yo yo yo
  10. Yo yo yo yo yo

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