Grammar gods review test

We are the Grammar gods! We will help you with your grammar needs. Use our site to study, and our quiz to test your knowledge! If you still do bad, go back to our page for more information.

To join our ranks and become an honorary Grammar god, you must ace this test and master you skills! If you still do bad, go back to our page for more information.

Created by: nathan limmer of Grammar gods review test
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these is an adverb?
  2. Which of these is NOT a verb?
  3. Which of these is NOT an interjection?
  4. Which of these is NOT a conjunction?
  5. Which of these is a noun?
  6. Which of these is a preposition?
  7. Which of these is a pronoun?
  8. Which of these is NOT an adjective?
  9. Shane JUMPED on the trampoline. What type of word is this?
  10. THEY went to the park. What type of word is this?

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