GCSE Music - Capercaillie

How much do you know about the band capercaillie? When did they start making music? What is so interesting about celtic rock? take the quiz to find out!

Do you think you have what is takes to pass the general knowledge quiz on this band? Keep trying till you get 100% and find out everything there is to know about ' Skye Waulking Song'. Take the test now!

Created by: rishika of gcsemusichelp.webs.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What ensemble is the piece of music for?
  2. What genre is ' Skye Waulking song'?
  3. What language is the song in?
  4. What chords are used in the piece of music?
  5. What scale is ' Skye Waulking Song' in?
  6. What texture word is associated with this piece of music?
  7. What is the meter of this song?
  8. What year was this piece produced?
  9. What is the structure of this piece?
  10. What is the word setting in this piece?

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