GCSE Music - Handel

This quiz is to help all the people who struggle to understand Handel's brilliant piece of music! Take the quiz to find out how much you actually know.

Are you a genius on Handel's masterpiece? Do you have what it takes to get an A* on your exams? Take our quiz and find out whats in store for you. And remember you can take the quiz as many times as you want.

Created by: vriksh98 of gcsemusichelp.webs.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What era was 'And The Glory Of The Lord' composed in?
  2. Who composed 'And The Glory Of The Lord'?
  3. Handel's Piece is an..?
  4. What is the word used to describe an instrumental intro?
  5. What century was this piece composed in?
  6. 'And The Glory Of The Lord' goes through which keys?
  7. What does the term 'Diatonic' mean?
  8. Which texture words are associated with this piece of music?
  9. What ensemble is this piece written for?
  10. What does the term 'Melasmatic' mean?

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