Frozen Snow....2

You all will be in the story. Just keep waiting!!!! (This part I am calling Author's note. I just need to write about something small) ~Author's note~ I feel like everyone in this world is sane and I am in crazy one. I feel like everyone thinks I am crazy. There are insane people but those people are out of my league. I am misunderstood, so misunderstood that I don't get myself. I feel things but I can't explain them. I feel like I can feel what others might be feeling. Their sadness, loneliness, anger and misunderstood. Their confusion. It hurts...but I enjoy the pain (Authors note is this time: True)

Please note that you all we be in the story soon. (This part I am calling Author's note. I just need to write about something small) ~Author's note~ I feel like everyone in this world is sane and I am in crazy one. I feel like everyone thinks I am crazy. There are insane people but those people are out of my league. I am misunderstood, so misunderstood that I don't get myself. I feel things but I can't explain them. I feel like I can feel what others might be feeling. Their sadness, loneliness, anger and misunderstood. Their confusion. It hurts...but I enjoy the pain (Authors note is this time: True)

Created by: singin234
  1. ~dream~ I was walking though a desert, kicking rocks as I walk along. There was no shade but a dark green huge tree in the middle of nowhere. How it is healthy and alive? I walk up to the tree and sit under it; suddenly I end up in a forest. "What's a girl like you doing here" a voice chuckled; it didn't sound like a question. I turned to a pair of eyes but can't see the colour.
  2. I jolt awake, Alex is singing. How did I fall asleep? "Alex, we there yet" I groggily ask her, she shakes her head and snaps off the radio. "Yeah just about" She tells me, I nod and look in the mirror. I don't look that bad; I tighten my low ponytail and wipe my eyes. "I feel like I am dead" I mumble to Alex. She laughs, "What does that feel like" she asks me. She looks in my eyes, "nothing" I tell her and stare out the window. We turn into a dry drive way, with dry trees up the side. "This is a farm, my friend owns it" Alex tells me as a house comes into view. It's huge and white, "you have a lot of friends" I say in amazement. "Yeah this is where I was going to run away to, we are going to stay for awhile. Maybe three days or a week" Alex rambles on. I jerk forward as Alex pulls the car to a stop, our stuff slides around. "Sorry" Alex says doing a fake laugh, I roll my eyes and notice a bright long red car. It's strange; it doesn't go with the house. That means I don't think it's theirs. "Come let's meet them" Alex says pulling me into the house. I before I can reject, I am witnessing a girl yelling at a guy. She has dyed blond hair, baby blue eyes and a huge chest that I think is fake. "Who breaks up with someone over the phone" The girl yells at the guy. He has black hair with misty purple eyes. In his hand is a passport. "I am breaking up with you" He tells her smirking.
  3. "Chris you idiot" She yells at him then turns around and pushes Alex over. I garb her wrist; she spins around in surprise and tries to break away. I squeeze her wrist tightly, "oww stop it, you freak" she cries in a high pitched voice. I smirk, "I think you have to say sorry to that girl you pushed over" I tell her harshly, she tries to break free. Giving up she snaps "sorry" to Alex. I squeeze tighter "mean it" I whisper to her harshly. "Bella" Alex snaps, I feel my eyes change back to normal colour. They change with my other me, I am Gemini you see. That doesn't mean anything but I have the tough, strong me and the other me is kind, sweet and weak. I let go and let my hand fall to my side. "Sorry Alex, it happens sometimes" I mumble helping her up. I turn to see the guy called Chris staring at us. "Chris is my cuz" Alex sighs; I blush and turn to him. "I am sorry, I don't normally do that" It's the only thing I can say. "It's alright" He tells me, and then we both stare at Alex. "We are going a road trip or whatever and can we stay for the night or some days" Alex asks him, he nods.
  4. He walks us up a huge stairway; I swear this guy is really, really, really rich. "Going somewhere" I ask him, a wave of confusion comes across his face. I smirk and look at his passport. "Pretty much, I was going to anywhere" He tells me, Alex snaps out of looking around like a child. "Then you should come with us" She tells him, bad idea Alex. This guy is impersonal; he broke up with his girlfriend on the phone! Well I can't judge him from that, but he is bad news. I get that feeling. "Yeah sure" He smiles, I stand in shock as Alex and Chris work out everything. Yes? This guy is insane. "Yo Bella keep walking" Alex yells out, I blush and keep walking. Instead of felling that sinking feeling in my heart, I feel happy that he is coming. Well I have to make the most of it.
  5. I stare up at the fan as it goes round and round. I am doing this quite a lot now. Chris gave me a room with a black bed and a white desk. He thinks I am insane, okay I guess I would think I was insane because what I did to his ex. I sure she hates me. Then the memory flashes back to me, the blood down my white dirty dress. I pull my thoughts away from the memory. Why did that come up? I sigh and hug a pillow while lying on my side. "Isabella" Alex's voice screams, I get up and run down the stairs. More like tumbling. "What's wrong" I ask, she doesn't say anything. I turn my head where she is staring at. Her car has a huge scratch. "Alex I'm so sorry" I tell her, getting this sinking feeling. "That little girl is doing to die. Get in the car Chris and Isabella" Alex shouts at us, I end up in the backseat alone. As Alex turns corners the stuff comes flying onto me, "why do we have more stuff now" I ask. "Oh I put my stuff in" Chris tells me, I can tell he is smirking. Okay I take what I said back before, I hate this guy.
  6. "Do we have to do this" I ask innocently, as another day falls onto my face. "Yes" They both yell, "don't you care that little...wrecked my car" Alex says trying not to swear. "No one messes with my family" Chris says, it doesn't suit him at all. I poke my tongue out at him when he isn't looking, "What happen to girl girls want bay boys and bad girls want good boys" Alex asks in rage. Asking Chris, because he dated her. "You see she was boring and lost her good girl side so I dumped her" Chris tells us, I want to slap him. Alex goes around another corner and bags topple over me. Can we just find this girl
  7. Then we see a red car and she is in it. "What's this book" Chris asks holding up my dairy. "Give it back" I yell as Alex slams on the breaks. I get jerked back by my seatbelt, Chris chucks the book back behind him and it lands on my head. I frown as it drops to the fall, Alex cut Chris's ex off. Alex ran out of the car, Chris walking slowly behind her. I drift off the backseat. ~dream~ I am in the forest again, "your back" the voice says. "Well I can't help it, I am a sleep you know" I snap at the voice. It laughs as I sit down on a rock, "I am dreaming too, weird hey" the voice laughs again. I can hear this male voice laughing. But I have heard the voice somewhere before. It's comforting really. "Sing me a song" I tell the voice, it doesn't argue. "I still alive but I am hardly breathing, just prayed to a god I don't believe in. Cos I got time while she got freedom, cos when a r heart breaks it don't break even" Then voice sings, that's when I wake up.
  8. I rub my eyes as I wake up, I am still in the car and we are driving along. "Huh what happened" I ask them, Alex sighs. "We had to let Ashley go but we are driving into town now for some food" Alex tells me, I sigh. Sitting up, I put my seatbelt on. Then look beside me to see Chris, I was sleeping on him. "Oh no" I say as Chris laughs. "You look cute when you sleep you know" He tells me, and then I look in his hand. In his hand is a book, I gasp when I realize what book it is. It's my dairy.
  9. ~mysterious pov~ I look up to see her brown hair with natural blond highlights. That is mid back. Her big dark brown eyes staring at me, I smile. Her pixie nose and tan skin. She is skinny and fit; she is holding a basketball in her hand. "May, help me up" I tell her, holding out my hand. She laughs and helps me up, "another round" she asks. I shrug and garb the ball off her and shooting. It goes straight in. That's when a car comes flying around the corner and parks right beside the court. "Alex you're a dangerous driver" A girl's voice says as a door opens.
  10. (This part I am calling Author's note. I just need to write about something small) ~Author's note~ I feel like everyone in this world is sane and I am in crazy one. I feel like everyone thinks I am crazy. There are insane people but those people are out of my league. I am misunderstood, so misunderstood that I don't get myself. I feel things but I can't explain them. I feel like I can feel what others might be feeling. Their sadness, loneliness, anger and misunderstood. Their confusion. It hurts...but I enjoy the pain (Authors note is this time: True)

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