Thread Topic: br0wnie
idk how im gonna make this work lol
aw i really like the gondolas they're so cute
i accidentally braked too hard and bonked it's head and it squealed -
rinascita is just like.. the complete opposite of jinzhou it's so fairytale!!! and the graphics are gorgeous
i like both zani and carlotta a lot
WHATTT carlotta's hair literally turns into crystals when she does her ultimate that's freaking cool
why is roccia lowkey op asf
i know i said i hated abby earlier and said there was no point for her even existing
but why is she actually growing on me now -
i really struggled to understand the story and get connected to all the characters of jinzhou tbch. but the writing and characterization of rinascita has taken a big step up. there is not one single character i've met so far that i dislike
dysphoria :/
*pat, pat*
i never planned to have children, i still don't, so i don't see the point in me having a period lol
so much is happening all at once and idk if it's the media showing us everything front and center that's amplifying this feeling but i'm getting an ominous feeling about the state of the world
what's happening in california right now is insane. just. one day you have a house and the next you don't. and i'm hearing this could have been somewhat preventable or stopped sooner if firefighters had more resources
it's been burning for daaaays. i'm sure the people over there are sick of hearing about it and being on edge wondering if they need to evacuate every day
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