Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Interesting too is that she deleted or archived every post that didn't have him in it.
I will say I was up way too late watching this election stuff and now I am dragging at work ;-;
oh, I know this reference!
Yayyy that's correct xD
I feel like my profile status hasn't changed in like 3 yrs and that's kinda sad
But also I'm terribly inactive so that makes sense -
same lol, I only came back to change my password because I got a notification that my old one was leaked
Oof that's rough. I haven't had that happen yet with anything so hope I'm not jinxing myself
I got stray kids tickets on presale vndkdjahvshd
Take that bots
beep boop
this thread is old
I'm old ;-;
I haven't felt seen in a while, but when I was at dinner with my one friend yesterday, she said something to someone else about how I would watch something I'm definitely not into but she is just because she wanted to see it. And it's so true lol. I think I just care more about having a good time with someone I care about more than not being interested in what we're doing
So I'm always down to try something new -
But also does that just make me a pushover? Lol
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