For La Moment (Part 1)

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Created by: ShelbyRawrr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up and look around your room, remembering your dream. You had dreamt that angels were in your room, and they were hugging you for no reason. You got up and you heard Paris yell "Miranda! Hurry up! I'm not going to wait for you to get your lazy arse out of bed!" So you got up, got dressed in a tee that says "Live. Laugh. Love." and a pair of jeans, and looked in the mirror. You see your piercing green eyes just as you remember them. You see your flawless skin just as you left It last night. You also see your curly brown hair all tangled, so you run a brush through it, grab your bag, and get in Paris's red mini cooper and sigh.
  2. "Finally! What took your fat arse so long?" Paris said to you as she backed out of the garage and sped off to school. You looked out the window and wished that you weren't Paris's twin sister. She was so much prettier than you were. She has long, straight blonde hair, and aqua eyes that could make a guy fall in love with just one look at them. You also knew that she was so much popular than you were. Paris slammed on the brakes and told you to get out, so you did, and you realized you were at school. You walked up the steps and opened the door.
  3. As soon as you opened the door, Lily ran up behind you and hugged you from behind. "Mi-Mi!" Lily screamed your nickname in your ear. "Hey, Lil!" You screamed back, turning around and hugging her super tightly. "You look amazing today, Mi-Mi!" Lily told you as she grabbed your arm and led you into the school. You were excited that it was finally your senior year, but you knew Paris would ruin it somehow. "So do you, Lil! I love your purple bow!" You tell her as you open your locker, number 760. "I love your tee more!" Lily said to you. "Aw, thanks." You said to her, just when the bell rang. You grabbed your books and headed to your first class.
  4. The first thing you saw was Vance, the senior you've always had a crush on for as long as you can remember. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is also very strong and tall. You heard Mr. Asher tell you to take your seats and take out your physics paper, which you had gotten done early, just like always. Paris whispered "fat arse" when you turned around to grab your binder. You just glared at her and grabbed your binder, then Lily told you that she wasn't worth it, and you agreed. You smiled when Vance looked at you when you turned around to put your binder back. He smiled back at you, then turned to Damion and started talking to him. Mr. Asher called your name. "Yes, Mr. Asher?" you said as you turned around. "Miranda, please come up to the front of the class and read your physics paper." Mr. Asher said, a stern look on his face. You nodded, got up, and walked to the front of the class.
  5. Mr. Asher quieted down the class and you began, reciting your every word with passion in your reading, having loved physics since you started taking the class. You finished, and only Lily clapped for you. Mr. Asher told you to sit down and called Paris up. She got up to the front and read her paper. When she was finished, almost everyone clapped for her, including Lily and Mr. Asher. You sat there, dumbfounded, wondering why she got so many people to applaud her. You sighed with relief when the bell rang. You hurried out, but Mr. Asher told you to stay. You stopped, turned around, and went back to him. He sighed and said "Miranda..."
  6. That's all for part one! Please rate and comment! (: (No effect)
  7. Thank you for reading!
  8. Are you ready for your answer?
  9. Sorry. This has to have 12 questions. (x
  10. Who do you think is the best so far?

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