Fishhearts Mate

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I wouldn't read this it will just be random wordssupercalafragilisticexpealidoeshus cat howls at a full moon rises we are the warriors cat dog pig rat.

super bowl i love warriors mapleshade hollyleaf bramblestar firestar i hope to be the one you want, i need your love angle with a shotgun pin rat goat dog fog frog

Created by: Mapleshade1492
  1. You are a kit, your in the nursery, you peek out the entrance and see a handsome ginger and white tom. He spots you gazing at him and walks over, "What are you doing Fishkit?" you reply
  2. He chuckles, and says "Do you want to take a walk around the camp?" you eagerly reply "Yes!" soon the both of you are walking toward the Training Hollow and you are jumping with excitement. As the walk comes to a close, you ask him what his name is and he says "Oh! silly me i never introduced myself! my name is Appleheart" you laugh at his sillyness and bounce away to the camp. As you curl up by your mother you soon fall asleep and you dreams are filled with.
  3. You wake up to your mother (Fawntail) nudging you with her muzzle, "Oh finally! i was afraid you would miss your apprentice ceremony!" you quickly sit up and start to briskly clean all the moss from your pelt. Soon you hear the familiar cry " All cats old enough to catch there own prey, join here beneath High Rock for a clan meeting!" you mother picks you up by the scruff and takes you out into the clearing, you brother close behind. As you and your mother and brother sit down near High Rock Twigstar says "Eaglekit, step forward, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Eaglepaw, your mentor will be Snowpad". after the last words all the cats around you chant you brothers new name, and you tremble with excitement. "Fishkit, step forward, from this day on until you receive you warrior name, you will be known as Fishpaw, your mentor will be Flashpelt" as the cats around you chant your new name, a golden tabby approaches you "Hi, i'm Flashpelt, your new mentor! after the meeting is over, i'll take you around the territory." you turn your attention back to Twigstar as he closes the meeting. Soon you are on your paws walking with Flashpelt and you…
  4. As you return from you treck, you see a blue/gray tom walk up to you, and he says "Hello there! i'm Bluestorm! how are you?" ""i'm okay" you answer but in the back of your mind you think.
  5. As you walk away from him another tom padds up to you and introduces himself, "hi there, i'm Smokesplash, nice to meet you, do you want to share a mouse?"
  6. As you share the mouse with Smokesplash (this happens even if you said no in the last question) you glance off to the right and see Appleheart looking at the two of you. feel saddend by this and are about to go over there when Appleheart walks away. You
  7. As you dream you see all the cats who clearly love you fighting with you in the middle you badly want the dream to end, but it seams to go on forever until you say "I will choose! i promise!" and you open your eyes to see Flashpelt standing over you, he is about to say something but you ignore him rushing over to the medicine cats den. you walk in and ask Echosong what she thinks, she tells you that Starclan want her to choose the cat she loves so they don't end up fighting each other for you. You ask for her help deciding, but she tells you that it is your decision to make. You walk away troubled and don't know what cat to choose for you love them all. You finally decide to wait until you are made a warrior, it could wait that long right?
  8. Many Moons Later....Finally! the day has come that you will become a warrior! you have treated eatch cat that loves you equally, and none of them have died, You receive you warrior name Fishheart, and you brother is now Eaglepelt. That night, you look for a spot in the warriors den, and find one away from all the toms that love you. When you wake up you see that Smokesplash and Appleheart are at each side of you. You
  9. One day you have kits who do they look like the most?
  10. Did you Like this Quiz???

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