Find your style

Most of us do not know what do they really want in their home when it comes to furniture. What type what colors... So we go from store to store trying to figure out what to pick and end up not really picking anything.

Your home is the place where you should feel the happiest. Its where you can forget about all your problems and just relax. Its not the shape of the house that really matters... Its the interior... The furniture, the colors, the fabrics... make your house a home...

Created by: spaces
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of restaurant would you want to goto dinner to?
  2. What would you rather drink?
  3. what clothes would best define you?
  4. What would you like to do on your free time?
  5. what car would you like to have?
  6. In a mall, what store would you go to first???
  7. what would you rather do after a long working day?
  8. how would you describe a perfect day?
  9. Pick your favorite city
  10. Which one of these movie titles would attract your attention?

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Quiz topic: Find my style