Find out your punishment.

This quiz will help your teachers, parents, siblings, friends or anyone who is punishing you to decide your punishment. If you think you think you did something wrong, take this quiz and find out how you should be punished.

There are no unnecessary questions asking your age or gender. Punishment must be same for all age and gender. Your punishment will depend on what you did, why you did, how many times you did, how you feel about it and stuffs like that. Every question is important and will decide your punishment. So, be honest about everything.

Created by: Hi De
  1. What did you do?
  2. How many times did you or do you do this?
  3. Who suffered due to this?
  4. How do you feel about it?
  5. Did you apologize?
  6. How did your punisher know about what you did?
  7. Will you escape your punishment?
  8. How would you classify yourself?
  9. Do you think the punishment will tech you a lesson?
  10. Will you do that again?

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Quiz topic: Find out my punishment.

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