Find out if you are a Bro?

Think you are a Bro. Well that sucks, but hopefuly you get a high score and then change, or you get a low score and party because everyone at the party will love because YOU ARE NOT A BRO.

On the other hand you may think that you are not a bro. Hopefully you will reasure those thougths with a lower score. Or you will learn something about yourself (that you are a Bro). And if that unfortunate event does happen at least you know how people look at you and you can make a 180 degree change, which will be for the better.

Created by: Billy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the best beer?
  2. Jeans with sandals?
  3. White rimmed sunglasses. Are they ok?
  4. Thoughts on FOHAWKS.
  5. How should a Baseball hat be worn?
  6. What is the best color polo? (all with white stripes)
  7. Pre-ripped/bleached jeans. Your thoughts on this.
  8. How long does it take you to get ready for a party?
  9. How much do you pay on flip-flops?
  10. How often do you go shirtless?
  11. Do you ever wear different/odd colored pants?
  12. How do you waer a visor?

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