feederism quiz - how full am i after the dinner party?

how big can you get your belly after the party? how full are you? this is lowkey just a test for me to enjoy about stuffing my belly lol. hope you enjoy the test too!

warning: you might get uncomfortable if you don’t like the thought of over eating, but i LOVE it. there’s nothing like the feeling of being so full you don’t wanna move after a meal.

Created by: bigbellyenjoyer
  1. okay, so this quiz is about how much you’ll eat at the dinner party. it’s mainly for my enjoyment, but i hope you enjoy as well!
  2. dinner is served. what do you take?
  3. your stomach grows a bit and you realize you’re getting a little full. what do you do?
  4. your jeans start to feel tight around your stomach. what do you think?
  5. you feel your chair squeaking beneath you. what do you think?
  6. your stomach hurts from how much you ate. what happens?
  7. are you still eating?
  8. finally, you’re finished. you stand up. how does your belly feel?
  9. what’s the status of your pants?
  10. you get home and see your belly in the bathroom mirror. how does it look?
  11. what do you do after getting home and looking in the bathroom mirror.
  12. last question! how full are you?

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