Fashion: The Real Deal

Are you a fashion diva? If you are, take this quiz to find out your inner style. Remember that fashion comes from within. Always be the best you can!! Good luck!

Once again good luck, Annie hey, if you want to, go and get a life. or maybe a friend so that you dont have to spend all of your time in the computor taking quizzes!!

Created by: Annie
  1. Are you a fashion diva?
  2. Are big black tennis shoes cool?
  3. Which jeans are better flare or skinny?
  4. Which shoe is the best to wear to a school dance?
  5. Which of these clothing would be best for prom?
  6. Are you ready for prom as a freshmen?
  7. Is a thong good for a fourth grader?
  8. Are flip-flops in or out?
  9. What is the best hair-do?
  10. Do you think that you are in style?

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