how much fashion is in your life ?

how much fashion is in your life ? are you a fashion godess or a fashion reject maybe your in the middle.are you instyle or out who knows ? take this quiz and find out !..

the point of this quiz is to find out how much you love fashion and how much it influences your style.all you have to do is answer the questions bellow. its really fun and simple answer every question honestly and the quiz will be well worth it !

Created by: brittany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you buy every thing you see in your magazine ?
  2. do you love to look exactly like the models on t.v.?
  3. if that cute bag you've always wanted is not in style will you still buy it ?
  4. if a very compfortable pair of shoes you own are going out of style would you still wear them ?
  5. if the new style was completely ugly and diffrent would you wear it ?
  6. how many fashion magazines do you read in a week ?
  7. how much does the advice of fashion magazines influence the way you dres?
  8. on a scale of one to ten how much do the fashion magazines and models.. influence your style
  9. sdsdfd
  10. sdfsdf
  11. safds

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Quiz topic: How much fashion is in my life ?