Entwined Pt 5 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Entwined Pt 5.

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  • Sam + Trey = creepily robot-like *shudders* it sounds like brainwashed answers, but that's nothing compared to Thanatos. Geez, Thanatos, you're creepy and over-dramatic. Also, it's time to get over it. You don't have the worst life; you did not suffer the most. Frankly, it's really whiney for such a villian like you, so just get out and stop messing with Amber's life >:( Riley, no no, stay away from motel lady XP As for you, Posion Rain, the writing was great :) can't wait for the next part, and I hope it shows up on the new quiz list next time

  • For people who read this

    I don't know why, but this quiz is not on the list as knew quizzes! Its really making me upset. So if you could plaes tell people that they have to go to my User Home Page to read it that would be super helpful!

    Posion Rain
  • EEPP!!!! SOOO GOOD!!!! :D I hate Thantos, he can go die in a hole. Sam and Trey can go with him for all I care. Screw them. Well, anyways, awesome part. Can't wait for the next :D


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