End Of The World Survival Quiz

There are many rumors about the end of days and all that is said is that we have to accept the fact that survival for anybody is low. Thats a lie! If you try to survive and i mean really try then you can! This quiz is just a few examples of situations you'll be put in and this is your chance to learn.

Are YOU Cunning,Heartless,and Emotionally Strong enough to survive an apocalypse? Can you lead your family to the gates of heaven or will you all be swallowed into the bottomless pit of hell?

Created by: Antwan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at home watching tv,suddenly the EMERGENCY BRAODCAST STATION comes on. It says that there are currently multiple earthquakes going on around the world and that you and your loved ones should take shelter somewhere..what do you do?
  2. (2 hours later)You(w/wo family) have been in dreadful fear of the countless earthquakes that have plagued the earth.The powerful shaking has finally stopped and you slowly stand and walk up the basement stairs and open the door. You look out into the place you once knew as your neighbor hood..the entire street has been leveled and the crust of earth have been split open. So you immediately..
  3. You(w/wo you family) are driving in a car and come across a half destroyed hospital and a destroyed gunshop. You hear police sirens in the distance so you only have time to steal from one of the places, you choose..
  4. Because the police never came, you had time to steal from both places but when you come back you car is gone along with all you supplies and your family's bodies(if they were with you)are on the ground. They are dead so you..
  5. You are walking and come across your car. It is parked in front of a supermarket so you..
  6. You got your car back along with an assload os groceries all for free..you turn on the radio and hear that disease will be breaking out soon because of all the destroyed hospitals. You kno what you need so you..
  7. You are driving and see a broken down car and some woman trying to wave you down so you..
  8. Your car ran out of gas on the side of the road so you..
  9. You enter the gas station..all the consumable have been stolen. you get behind the counter and turn on the pumps. When you look out the window you see a car parked and a man getting gas so you..
  10. (3 months later) you are walking out of your hideout and notice a couple of gang members ransacking a house across the street so you...
  11. you are in the basement, you hear people upstairs so you immeadiately..
  12. Would you like a part 2 to this quiz?

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