
there are many people who love animals,just not all for the same reasons.an animal lover would risk your left arm or right leg for any animal (yes even your old neighbors grumpy cat!)

do you love animals?huh Huh HUh HUH?!! do you have a heart big enough for any animal?for now you have no clue what so ever,but thank s to me (oh awesome me!)you can find out in only a short amount (hopefully not a waste) of time!

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have pets?if so,what are they?(or what kind do you want)
  2. how many types of animals do you like?
  3. would you risk your life for an animal?
  4. when you see a commercial,picture,add on the computer,etc. about animal abuse or animals at the pound what do you think?
  5. how many pets do you have or like to have?
  6. if your upset would you go to your pets or an animal?
  7. if you had a special pet like a unicorn what would you do?
  8. you were moving and could only bring a few things when do your pets come into mind?
  9. do you like animals for their personalities,looks,or cleverness?
  10. i cant thin of any thing else but this so just choose!:D

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