Don't leave me hanging part 32 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Don't leave me hanging part 32.

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  • Loved it!!! But Kris :( I like Cory though but I still care! I'm not that cold hearted! Save him! Can't wait until the next one and as always, I'll be looking!

  • Yeah, it is sad that most of them post infrequently :( From Alethea's I like Gavin and Conner... and Blake... oh psh, I like all of them X3 even the half-evil guy, Theo...

    Feygoddess wrote "Valentine surprise" or something like that. There's only 6 parts and her style is very quirky, but what made me like it so much was the character Allistair and his scene in the 7th part... only GTQ deleted that part when it was going through its over-censorship phase -.- you don't know how upset I was

    Yep, you're correct. Emilia is 13, and Owen is several years older; I never really set an age for him, but, in my head, he's around 16-17 area

  • Yeah!! I love those writers but it's sad that they usually take a longer time again to post another part when they just came back. One second you're happy, the next you're sad... I like Seth and Gavin from Alethea's series (well I'm pretty sure that's hers) :3 . Who's Feygoddess? Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask if there's a bigger age difference between Emilia and Owen. Isn't she 13 and he 17?

  • *dances* blackandwhite returned to write her series "Time less love" it's been FOREVER :P she's one of the writers who's still going from a long long time ago, and I love to see when those writers return because it brings back memories of when I was a little newbie on GTQ :3 I just had to share that; I advise you to check it out if you want to read something. Now if xxdarkxx, Alethea, and Feygoddess would return, I would stay up all night dancing with glee XD

  • @Firey_Soul I don't plan on writing as a career, but I definitely would love to write a book/series sometime in my life. That would be completely awesome though. Free copies to everyone who supported me on this site X3 If and when you do publish a book, tell me so that I can buy a ton of copies, hand them out to people, and get them addicted to your writing too XD

    @Fairygal Haha you actually gave me the idea for that scene between Emilia and Owen, drat, that's what I forgot to put in the quiz :/

    DO YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE?: Fairygal gave me the idea for the beginning of the quiz, inadvertantly, but still.

    3 days, lucky you, I hope to see one of your quizzes soon! Aw, well I've missed my mouth while trying to eat and read story quizzes before if it makes you feel better XD plus dozens of other various incidents that distracted reading has caused. And it would really be the coolest thing in the world to see any one of the writers I know on here become a famous published author.

  • And I agree with Firey_Soul! It'd be cool if you two became famous writers. In fact, it'd probably be the coolest thing ever!!!! :) Uggh... Got caught up with reading and I almost burned my dinner... Nice for me...

  • Woah... what happened to the comment page? O.O Xxblutixx, I am so sorry :,( . I have been gone from GTQ for a while so I am behind in catching up with your quizzes! I am going to read back to where I first left off which is the part where Blake was in the room... *looks at the recap* Lol I know, I know, a lot has happened since then. I sort of ruined what had happened but I usually do that with books anyway. *looks at first couple of questions* So Owen and Emilia? Drama!! =D Knew that Emilia is pretty bad for Owen! Still don't really like her... Anyway, when I'm done, I am going to comment. :) Can't wait to read them!!! *jumps up and down excitedly* Still need to write a part for my series but I might be able to this time because of no school for three days. Wooo! :)

  • @xxblutixxx: Yeah. When I swear on my love for smosh, I'm pretty freakin' serious. Oh, and have fun reading part 36, I hope you like it! :) P.S. *fist bump* Firetruck yeah! Dorks unite!!!!! :D (I still can't get over the fact that one of my favorite writers of all time likes my series too! x) I hope you become a famous writer like I plan to. It would be cool if we were both famous and stuff. We could say "It all started with" Just a thought. :) )

  • Ay, Firey_Soul, you swore on your love for smosh? THAT is serious O.O Kris has some serious backup; I guess Quincy better watch out... It's okay, no need to apologize XD I freak out all the time, who did I freak out on recently? I think it was Dannica... or maybe TheRecklessBam... *highfive for dorkiness* the world would be no fun without us dorks XD

    P.S. I just saw part 36 was out days ago of your quizzes, and I never read it! I'm so upset that I missed it, but so excited that I get to read it now X3 Now I'm the one doing a happy dance hehe it seems like it's been a while since I've read one of my favorite writers' stories, glad I'm breaking that streak! *skips off to take Paranormal Love*

  • MUST HAVE PART 33!!!!!!!! P.S. sorry for freaking the crap out, but I have every right to. I mean, it's KRIS we're talking about here! I love Kris with a firey passion, who cares if he's made up? He's awesome! Anywho, once again this was amazing and I'm embarassed at how psyched I got when I saw that this quiz was out. I always have to do this little happy dance. x) Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Firey_Soul, the biggest dork on the planet! xD Being a dork is fun though, so I guess I don't really mind. :)

  • AHHHHH!!!!! OMFG!!!!! HOLY SHIZ ON A FREAKING STICK!!!!!! *freaks the crap out* YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE DIDN'T YOU?!?!?!? I swear on my love for smosh that if Quincy does ANYTHING to Kris, I will make him die the most horrible, torturous, painful death!!!! Don't worry babe, I will save you!!!! NOBODY MESSES WITH MY KRIS!!!!!

  • Remember, everyone, that the mini-contest is still open. I think actually I'm going to have to draw back the deadline to part 33 instead of 34 which means your answer needs to be submitted on this quiz before part 33 comes out.

    If you've already participated, you can try your hand at the bonus because I'll think up a prize for that too if someone wins :)

    One more thing I just HAVE to say before I finish this comment. Part 31's comments gave me such a happy fuzzy feeling inside :3 and the recent dedication quizzes and such make me truly happy that I know such wonderful people. The long and short of it is: I love you all! *end sappiness*


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