Does Your Guy Like You?

this is the most accurate quiz out there. even if your guy doesnt like you what have you got to lose? right? after taking this quiz and seeing your results i want you to take the advice i give you to heart. it will help in the end. i promise.

have you been wanting to know if that special someone likes you back? do you wonder through the night if he will ask you out? well wait no longer!! this quiz will help you find out!

Created by: anikka g.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. has he told you before that he likes you?
  2. does he smile when he sees you?
  3. do you talk about past boyfriends/ girlfriends???
  4. have you ever kissed/hugged/touched in nonsexual way?
  5. are you sexually attrackted to him or emotionally?
  6. wats his fav color?
  7. wats ur fav color?
  8. do you think he likes you?
  9. does he stare at you alot?
  10. do you stare at him alot???

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Quiz topic: Does my Guy Like You?