Does your crush truely like you?

Do you have a crush? Have you ever wondered if he or she may like you? Well, you have come to the right place! :D This quiz will help you find out! ^_^

Your special someone may like you but he doesn't want you or anyone else to know so hes keeping it to himself. Take this quiz and know ig he truely likes you!

Created by: directioner1399
  1. Does he flirt with you?
  2. How often does he talk to you?
  3. Whts ur hair color?
  4. Wht color hair does he have?
  5. Do you have things in common?
  6. Do you listen to the same music?
  7. Does he flirt with other people to make you jealous?
  8. He calls you...?
  9. Does ur friends think hes good for you?
  10. How often do you talk about him?
  11. Please rate this!!! Bye

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Quiz topic: Does my crush truely like you?