Does your crush like you? (girls only quiz)

Hi. i made this quiz because i am deeply in love with my crush! i may not know if he likes me but at least you guys will know about yours! give me good rates for more amazing quizzes

(only read for more about why i made this) my crush is soo nice and sweet! I CANT TAKE MY EYES OFF HIM IN CLASS! tell me about yours if you want in the comments

Created by: Lola Lola
  1. how long have you known your crush
  2. Does your crush ever smile at you?
  3. Does he stare at you?
  4. How often do you and your crush talk
  5. If so, what do you talk about?
  6. do you like the quiz so far :3
  7. Do you guys have anything in common?
  8. what would you do/say if he asked you out?
  9. Does your crush act nervous around you?
  10. does your crush know you like them
  11. ready for the results?
  12. last one: do YOU think your crush likes you?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you? (girls only quiz)
