does your crush like you back?

i have made this quiz for people who want to confess or see what their crush thinks of them and so they can take this quiz and get what they were asking for

idk wat to put herecchjgjhgghjhgghjhgghjjhgghjjhgghjkjhghjjhghjkjhgghjjhgghjkjhghjkjhghjkjhghjkhghjkjhghjjhghjkjhghjhghjhgfghjhgghjkjhgghjjhgfghjjhghjhgghj

Created by: betty2808
  1. does he/she ever just look at u and then look away?
  2. does he/she ever trying to impress u in anyway as possable
  3. does he/she ever asks if Ur OK and Ur always fine when he asks?
  4. does she/he ever smile every time your around?
  5. do he/she ever invite u to something just u and him/her
  6. do they ask u if u have a crush?
  7. do she/he ever try giving their jacket bc u forgot urs
  8. the quiz almost done
  9. almost there
  10. ok ur done go to the results

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