Does Todoroki hate you?

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*You go to a sleepover and Todoroki and some other boys are there. You seem to be having a good time. You also train with todoroki, as comates. :) Have fun!

Created by: Tebycakes
  1. You are walking past the common area, and Todoroki says hi. What do you do?
  2. As Mina invites you to a sleepover, she said the plus one could be a boy. Who do you invite?
  3. At the sleepover, you guys play truth or dare. You ask Todoroki. He says dare. What do you say?
  4. You guys also play spin the bottle. Todoroki spun and it landed on you. What do you do?
  5. Now its time for 7 minutes in heaven. It lands on Deku, who was the plus one Urakaka decided to take. He seems flustered. What do you do?
  6. At the end, your sleeping bag ends up to be beside Todoroki's. What do you do?
  7. When you go back to your dorm, somebody in a hooded figure follows you. Who do you think it is?
  8. You turn around and a hooded figure runs. What do you do?
  9. Todoroki runs toward you, seeing the figure run. What will you say?
  10. AyO LoOk WhO MaDe iT tO ThE EnD

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