Does She Like You? (Made By A Girl Who Has A Crush)

You've been eyeing her for a while. Something about her just draws you towards her, and you realize that you have feelings for her. And like all who have a crush (take me, for example), you wonder if she likes you back.

I've had crushes on a lot of different people, so I have experience with this. And while my quiz might not be 100% accurate, there's some truth to it, so just take it with a few grains of salt and trust your gut instinct. Enjoy!

Created by: Cerys
  1. What's your relationship with her?
  2. Do you interact with her?
  3. Who starts the conversation?
  4. Which one best describes your conversations?
  5. If she looks at you out of the blue, how long do they last?
  6. Which one best describes how she acts around you?
  7. Has she ever done anything that could be considered a move? Really think about this one. Maybe watch some videos on that.
  8. How well do you guys get along?
  9. Do you personally think she likes you?
  10. (Will not affect score, just need a tenth question) We're no strangers to love...

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