Does she like you?

Do you ever think a girl likes you? Are you wondering if you might have someone who likes you? Take this quiz to find out! DOES SHE LIKE YOU? You're about to find out!

There are some questions you need to know. otherwise, most likely the answer is going to be SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU. It can be heartbreaking, so watch out!

Created by: Lucky
  1. Do you and her talk?
  2. Does she blush when she looks at you or when her friends tease her?
  3. When you talk to her, does she make direct eye contact?
  4. Does she ever try to place her self by you, be the same as you, or do the same thing as you? (this is a BIG question)
  5. When you see her, what do you guys do?
  6. Do you text her a lot?
  7. If you text, who starts the conversations?
  8. Do you flirt with each other?
  9. How long have you known her?
  10. Last you think she likes you? (doesn't count on the score)

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