Does Paco the Taco Dog like you?

Paco the Taco Bell dog likes a lot of people, but he only loves a select few. Everybody loves that little bitty doggie. He has a red LG Scoop too, that's how much people love him. He even hired somebody to text people for him!!

Does Paco the Taco Bell Dog like you? Well take this short quiz and find out!Do you like Taco Bell, because if you don't, then I don't think Paco likes you.

Created by: elcvolleyball
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Taco Bell or Taco Johns better?
  2. Do you like stuffed talking doggies?
  3. Do you eat carrots?
  4. Do you have a red LG Scoop?
  5. If a baker makes a dozen cookies, how many did he make?
  6. Do you like Paco?
  7. Why are you taking this quiz?
  8. If I say Paco, you say...
  9. Do you like Nate Coopman?
  10. Do you think Paco likes you?

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