Does He Really Love You? (100 Percent Accurate)?

In this quiz you will learn if your boytoy really likes or he is just using you. Like seriously wanna find out then leggo take the quiz! Lol I'm gon take up space now ... WTF! Lolz :]

100 percent accurate. Hope you like it. Girls who have boyfriends only not crushes duhh ... Not tryn 2 be rude! Enjoy... Don't mind the dots.

Created by: Nicole xoxo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often does he compliment you.
  2. Did you guyz ever hav s**
  3. Are you in JH/MS , HS, College or Working?
  4. How often does he ask you about s**
  5. Are you in love with him?
  6. Where does he look wen he's talkin to you?
  7. Song dat bes describes yo relationship.
  8. Lots in common?
  9. Does he call you pertayy or tht sexy beotch ;)?
  10. Last question did you like this quiz c'mon. It was cool right admit it :$ . No Effect on Results!!!

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