Does he like you? (This is if you like him back)

Hello! I've seen this is already (might) be a quiz..but idk..but this is a quiz where you'll be asked 10 simple questions. This QUIZ might not be accurate...srry... But anyway hope you like it!!!!

Okay so I'm sorry I d omg know what it meant bye writing a simple paragraph that will appear after quiz gamers get their results.. Like I didn't know what it meant it the quiz faker got a 100 would it show the same paragraph as a person who got if you could explain that to me is be very grateful!

Created by: Emmied3
  1. Have you ever seen him blush?
  2. Does he get to get you to smile?
  3. Is he always around you\ tried to be around d you?
  4. Does he try to make everyone laugh or just you?
  5. Has he shown signs of affection? (Like trying to touch you or giving off big laughs to a corny joke of yours)
  6. (Sorry but) WOULD YOU DATE HIM???
  7. Does he seem..interested?
  8. Does he look\ always look at you?
  9. Your age? (I say it's okay to date at 10-15 or something like that and up)
  10. Your gender? (Its cool if you're bi or gay i don't mind)

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