Does he like me? For girls | Comments

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  • Your Result: He likes you!

    Congrats! He likes you! If you haven't done things like add him as a friend on Facebook, do it now! This is the time when you need to make your move. If you don't, you could lose your relationship forever!

    Too bad I don have a Facebook :P I honestly think that it's a waste of time. But this one time in summer gym, we went laser tagging and he was in my group. So I ended up tagging him like 8 times because he kept on running in front of me and then he said that we should just make an alliance so we did and then when we were done and we were waiting for the group after us to finish, we were siting on an air hockey table and hen I turned my head the other way because I heard something and when I turned my head back, he rolled up his little paper thing that had our scores on it and it was by m cheek so I would hit it and I said, "Oh my gosh that scared me." and he said, "Oh, I'm sorry, hat was meant to make you laugh." and then I said, "It did, a little. I laugh a lot." and he said, "Yeah, I noticed." and then I grabbed his score paper thingy out of his hands and when he got it back, his hand was holding mine and he left it there like 4 seconds after he got his paper back.

    Awesome quiz btw :D

  • Totally agree with u daughterofapallo about facebook. And i got the same results. Good quiz.


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