do you think you really know me???

This is a quiz geared towards anyone who is bored out of their mind like i am right now. - sorry i have to fill up this paragraph and for once in my life i am at a loss for words.

The test creator program says i have to type at lease 200 characters in this section so yah, ummm how long exactly is 200 characters? I guess i still need to write more words.

Created by: Laura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. what is my cats full name?
  3. how tall am I?
  4. what is my brother's name?
  5. When did i move to Cali? Choose the best answer...
  6. what is my favorite sport?
  7. what is my favorite color?
  8. Who is my favorite singer?
  9. What is my favorite clothing line?
  10. If i had to be stuck on a deserted island with a female celebrity, which one would i choose?

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Quiz topic: Do I think you really know me???