Do you really like him?

Everybody has a crush or at least thinks they have one this quiz will tell you how much you like him and maybe you'll learn a few things and realise something while taking this quiz.

Do you ACTUALLY like him? Is he the one and only? Are you guys meant to be? OR is this just a big fail? Find out the answers to these questions by taking this quiz!

Created by: Haley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When he texts you, how do you feel?
  2. When you see him in the halls do your friends push you into them?
  3. Do you get nervous when you see him?
  4. Do you text him first?
  5. Do you sometimes 'daydream' or 'dream' about him?
  6. Do you try to look good for him?
  7. Do you like him? (won't affect your score)
  8. Does he know you like him?
  9. When you see him do you get nervous?
  10. Finally last question, If he asked you out right now what would you say?

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Quiz topic: Do I really like him?