do you really know wizard 101?

This quiz will test you knowledge about spell casting, character naming, and random guessing. This is the ultimate test to see if you are a true wizard!

Now it is time for the test of your life. Will you succeed? Will you fail? Only the test knows. Now take the leap into the unknown!!!!! Or just take the quiz.

Created by: marshall
  1. how many schools of magic are there? (including the astral schools)
  2. which of these spells cost more pips?
  3. where is the commons smith?
  4. What level do you have to be to begin fishing?
  5. what is the name of the life professor?
  6. What are the two most expensive pets in the shopping district pet shop?
  7. What is the school called?
  8. Where is the school of death?
  9. who is Malistaire's twin brother?
  10. What is the second world you get access to?
  11. Does Merle Ambrose have a pet?
  12. What is my favorite school of magic? (I can't let everybody get 100%)

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Quiz topic: Do I really know wizard 101?