Do you really know Annabeth Chase?

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Do you really know Annabeth Chase. One of my favorite characters in Percy Jackson, Annabeth is a fierce girl who is nearly flawless. She's smart and quick.

It is no wonder Percy quickly fell in love with her. Blonde hair and stormy eyes could easily sway even Odysseus. She isn't a daughter of Aphrodite but she's sensible and quick to think of something logical or to make a deal. I hope you like my quiz!!!🦉✌

Created by: Ginny Weasley of What's your social status?
(your link here more info)
  1. What color is Annabeth's hair in the first book?
  2. What color are Annabeth's eyes in the books?
  3. Who is Annabeth's godly parent?
  4. Who is Annabeth's mortal parent?
  5. Who in your opinion would most likely be put in Annabeth's place out of the below?
  6. How old was Annabeth Chase when she meets Percy Jackson in the books?
  7. Who played Annabeth Chase in the movies?
  8. When did Annabeth shoot darts at security guards?[in the movie]
  9. When did Annabeth first actually kiss Percy?[in the books]
  10. How many stars would you give this quiz 1-10?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Annabeth Chase?
