Do you need a smartwatch?

Smartwatches are in a very early stage. Do you really need them? Smartwatches are expensive and you're phone can do just as much and even MORE than a smartwatch.

Do you think you need a smartwatch? Find out after these questions! Thanks for doing this. This is my first survey so I hope you enjoyed and see my others!

Created by: Yonathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a fan of technology?
  2. Do you like showing off?
  3. Do you have disposable money?
  4. Do you currently have a watch?
  5. Can you wait? Smartwatches are in very early stage right now.
  6. Why do you think you need a smartwatch?
  7. Do any friends or family have or recommend a smartwatch to you?
  8. What phone do you have?
  9. Do you need help seeing notifications?
  10. Where do you live?
  11. Hope you liked this quiz! (Doesn't affect score)

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Quiz topic: Do I need a smartwatch?