do you like elliot minor?

This quiz is about whether you like Elliot Minor or not, its randomly selected questions out of my head and i hope you enjoy taking the quiz,Princes of Rock yes they are. lol one of the best things to come out of York this band have proved there worth it by hiting the charts, breaking roofs and experinced large numbers of nutcasingly mental fans (joke) lol. so what makes a band, its not their charming handsome goodloks its there musical talent and personalitys that make them what they are today.

Ok so lets see whether you like ELLIOT MINOR or Not the RESULTS never lie. lol so try to and hide from the results and you'll fail miserably, you'll be found out, and re-trying may help but then thats just cheating and we don't like cheaters muhahaha (lame joke), but yeah, find out how much you like Elliot Minor and we won't say anything promise....

Created by: Gizmo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what other instruments can Alex Davies play apart from the guitar?
  2. where does Ed Minton's other half originate from?
  3. what is the name of Alex's snake, in the "sound of silence webby"?
  4. which two members are related?
  5. who wanted a tattoo of a monkey, in the download festiaval webby
  6. in the Q&A webby. how did Ed bang his head?
  7. which single was released this year?
  8. during the webby "cribs" who was the only member, who wasn't seen til the end.
  9. what was Dan protecting in the webby "the making of Jessica"
  10. random question- where did they go for lunch whilst in america?
  11. How many Hetherton brothers are there?
  12. who claims their room was haunted? (leading to the creation of PW)
  13. in which webby did Ed and Ali streak in?
  14. who died..
  15. True or False...has Ali ever (dry) humped a band member.
  16. Does Alex seem to pout alot in pictures?
  17. what type of guitar does Ed play mainly.
  18. which two members ate BBQ worms.
  19. which song contains these lyrics "into the blue we dive so deep"
  20. How many singles have been released, including re-release?
  21. what were they known as before they became "Elliot Minor".
  22. True or False...Alex said yes to size mattering in the Q&A webby
  23. what is the name of the guys management?
  24. what song had lyrics changed so it said "Ed Minton is gay"
  25. how many songs are on the album
  26. back to yorklton cup who had their pants pulled down.
  27. unholy behaviour, who failed to hide their "adult" literature lol
  28. what are the names of Alex's and Ali's dogs.
  29. who found a fish in the "Ali dies" webby
  30. Who wants to Fly
  31. who want to be invisble
  32. who wouldn't Teddy eat first when stuck in a desert
  33. what does Ali find attractive mostly
  34. what colour beard can Dan grow?
  35. True or False......In the "sound of silence" webby, does Alex drop his guitar and get showered by a hose pipe.
  36. what was TWOIE about..
  37. (unrelated lol) Who would you date?
  38. whose threatening to wear speedo's in the skimpies and aviators tour
  39. True or False...Alex likes to wear perfume
  40. ok final question. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I like elliot minor?