do you know your friends well enough

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Welcome viewers of my quiz. This quiz will help you trying to remember your friend better. Ready to begin my quiz?ok if you are then yahoo go team! (:

Remember the important things in your friend's life. when your ready press the beginning button and you will start the quiz of your life time. !!!!!!!

Created by: Holly Moffatt
  1. what colour eyes do they have?
  2. what is their favourite things to read?
  3. what do they like to do?
  4. what is your friend's favourite food?
  5. can you decode these to see what names they revealand if they are one of your friends names click on that answer.
  6. what is you favourite colour and what is your friend's favourite colour?
  7. what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to your friend?
  8. Random quiz question time.what is your worst enemies name?
  9. be yourself and …? finish this sentence by using one of these answers
  10. do the best you can while….? finish this

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Quiz topic: Do I know my friends well enough

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