do you know the lyrics ›:{ )»

this is a quiz to test your lyrical mind and has a little twist at the end soo take this quiz and see how smart is you lyrical mind hopefully you like this quiz and please comment soo good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

to see if you know your lyrics take this quizz hurry go on nobodys stoping you test you lyrical mind and gooood luck and dont forget to comment!!yay!!

Created by: lilian gerero
  1. hot and cold-katy perry, " youre hot and youre __________"
  2. friday-rebbeca black,"i see my friends, kickin in the____________"
  3. last fiday night-katy perry,"pictures up last night ended up ___________"
  4. next 2 you-chris brown ft.jb,"eveything that i have is yours ,youll never go _________"
  5. nice guys finish last-nigahiga,"thats why ill treat you like_________"
  6. the show goes on-lupe fiasco, "the show goes __________"
  7. mockingbird-emeinem,"haley i know you miss your mom and i know you miss dad, but im gone to try to give you____________"
  8. night after night-kenny sazy,"i just want you to be __________"
  9. the lazy song-bruno mars,"i dont fell like picking up my phone so leave a message at the _________"
  10. rabiosa-who sings it???

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Quiz topic: Do I know the lyrics ›:{ )»